Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark Wiki
Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark Wiki
Welcome to the Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark Wiki!
This Wiki is dedicated to the British band Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, also known as OMD, founded in 1978 and still active today.

This Wiki is an attempt to provide a comprehensive history of the group chronicling their music releases, tours, TV and radio appearances, chart positions and so on, including an 'On this day' calendar, following OMD's progress through the years on any given date.

We're a collaborative community website that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Click the "ADD NEW PAGE" or "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started!

Aside from your own experiences, you may like to consult the Sources page, which also carries the Acknowledgements. Any images, if not your own, should be credited.

Tesla Girls design strip
2018 logo design strip
Sailing Seven Seas design strip


When adding new pages please use the already existing categories, some of which are illustrated below:


Contributors are invited to adhere to the following conventions in written entries.

Group name: the group should always be referred to as "Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark", or "OMD" (without full stops: O.M.D.). The early abbreviation OMITD may also be used in some cases, as may 'Orchestral Manoeuvres', which have both been adopted by the band themselves.

Band member names: full names of band members may be abbreviated to AM (Andy McCluskey), PH (Paul Humphreys), MC (Martin Cooper), MH (Malcolm Holmes), SK (Stuart Kershaw) etc.

Page heading/subject: the subject of each page should be the first word/words of each page and must be written in bold.

Album titles: album and EP titles should be written in italics (Organisation etc.) except in the relative page incepit when it must be written in bold (see above).

Song/singles titles: individual song titles should be written without double inverted commas and not in italics, and given a hyperlink, even where a page still does not exist (Enola Gay, Hard Day), also in the case that they have been released as a single.

Capitalisation: Capitalisation in song and album titles should follow musicbrainz rules where 'minor' words are written in lower case (Talking Loud and Clear, Walking on the Milky Way etc.)

Dates: dates should be expressed in the format "30 November 1984", with DD-MM hyperlinked to OTD page. Months may also be hyperlinked where no specific day is known (January 1982). Dates cited in references can be expressed as 30.11.1984, or 2014-11-30. Years pertinent to a particular page should be categorised (eg. 1983 (Category)).

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark

OMITD Kevin Cummins 1979-07-17 gettyimages-1135501348-2048x2048


OMitD-1980-press-pic-1- (1)

1980 )early)

1980-10-23 OMD group photo session Kevin Cummins 2

1980 (late)

1981-11 Paul Andy Endinburgh 2


1983 group pic bw from Dazzle Ships remaster